Terry Collins & Assoc., Toronto
News prepared and shared on behalf of clients this year included reports on the state of the world’s migratory species, on 3/4ths of lands worldwide getting drier, on the rapid global growth of e-waste, on transformative ways to repair the planet, and on a novel way to raise billions of dollars for nature’s conservation. It included the delightful story of three pre-teens who found a rare juvenile T-Rex skeleton while hiking in the US badlands. And more.
A summary at https://adobe.ly/4fIW9RM shows 12 collaborative outputs in 2024 resulted in 12,400+ online news articles published in at least 46 languages across 108 countries and territories, generating ~45 billion potential public impressions.
With thanks to IPBES, UN Convention to Combat Desertification, UN Biodiversity, UN Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Global Commission on the Economics of Water, Earth 4 All, WEEE Forum, and the Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment, and to the hundreds of journalists worldwide who covered these reports.