Zakri columns: Science Diplomacy and Sustainability

Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia

Selected columns, New Straits Times national newspaper, Kuala Lumpur

“I hope that this volume, containing opinions from 2020 to the present, will provide some insights into the challenges of sustainable development, the hot-button issues facing the global community and how each of us could reflect on the steps that we could take in helping solve the problems…”

“Drafts of my columns were greatly enhanced by the ‘Midas Touch’ of a dear and long-time friend from Toronto, Canada, Terry Collins – a science writer and media consultant who has extensive experience supporting the United Nations, universities, and public institutions worldwide.”

Zakri Abdul Hamid
Founding Chair, Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (2013-2016)

UN Secretary-General Scientific Advisory Board

Tun Hussein Onn Chair in International Studies, Institute of Strategic & International Studies, Malaysia

Full book here